Dear patients,

Dr Yang uses the following medical cloud platforms, and observes New Zealand privacy regulations.


Dr Yang is trialling “Heidi”, an Australian-designed and Australian-based web (cloud) note dictation application that records and types the consultation.  The note is then transferred to our clinic's standard patient record system. The system complies with New Zealand privacy regulations. Many GPs and specialists around New Zealand are already using “Heidi”. Dr Yang will ask you for permission to use Heidi at the beginning of the consultation.

Each consult recording and data are saved on the cloud server to allow reviews for up to 21 days before being permanently deleted. The data is fully encrypted both in transit and at rest.

We want to assure you that privacy is of paramount importance, and the application (Heidi) is compliant with New Zealand regulations:

  • The Privacy Act 2020, which sets the framework for protecting personal information in New Zealand,

  • The NZ Information Privacy Principles (IPPs).

Additionally, the software and its management of sensitive patient data are compliant with strong Australian, USA, and EU medical privacy regulations.

Please visit the software’s compliance and safety pages for more information on how privacy is managed for patients in New Zealand.



Dr Yang utilises TouchMD, a medical cloud platform based in the USA specifically designed to facilitate patient education and interactions with medical photography. It fully complies with American medical privacy regulations (HIPAA), with all sensitive patient information and photographs encrypted in transit and storage.


Dr Yang uses Elixir Software as the cloud-based patient management system for his Auckland and Christchurch clinics. Elixir is a startup in Dunedin and fully complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 when dealing with personal information. Further information on Elixir’s policies on patient privacy can be found on its website ( or here)


親愛的患者們, / 亲爱的患者们,

楊醫生使用以下醫療雲端平台,並遵守紐西蘭的隱私法規。 / 杨医生使用以下医疗云端平台,并遵守新西兰的隐私法规。


楊醫生正在試用“Heidi”,這是一款澳大利亞設計和基於澳大利亞的網絡(雲端)筆記聽寫應用程序,該應用程序可以記錄並輸入診療內容。 然後,這些筆記會被轉移到我們診所的標準患者記錄系統中。該系統符合紐西蘭的隱私法規。紐西蘭已有許多全科醫生和專科醫生在使用“Heidi”。 楊醫生會在診療開始時徵求您使用Heidi的同意。



  • 《2020年隱私法》,該法律為保護紐西蘭個人信息設立了框架,

  • 紐西蘭信息隱私原則(IPPs)。






  • 《2020年隐私法》,该法律为保护新西兰个人信息设立了框架,

  • 新西兰信息隐私原则(IPPs)。







楊醫生在奧克蘭和基督城的診所使用Elixir軟體作為雲端患者管理系統。Elixir是一家位於但尼丁的新創公司,在處理個人信息時完全遵守2020年新西蘭隱私法。 有關Elixir對患者隱私政策的更多信息,請參閱其網站(www.elixir.nz點此查看)。
